Gift ideas for homeowners on the move

Gift-giving season is officially here. Presents are fun to give and get all the time, whatever time of year. But what do you get for someone who is moving?

People work so hard when selling a home. If they are doing things right, they are giving away and tossing and packing up their belongings. Sellers are trying to make their homes inviting but sparse, and certainly not lived in.

But a seller shouldn’t miss the holidays just because their home is for sale. And contrary to popular belief, the time between Thanksgiving and the

New Year is often a great time to sell. The question is what to buy someone who is moving during the holidays.

While generic credit cards are nice gifts, so someone can buy what they wish, there is obviously not a lot of thought involved in such a present. One suggestion is to include a handmade card with some fun ideas for how they might use the card.

They will know that you were thinking of them when you bought it, but just couldn’t decide which present to choose. For instance you could say, “This is only good for a tank of gas to go somewhere fun!” Or “this card is your ticket to a night out. If not used, I will know and it will self destruct.”Or buy a card that is good at many of the stores downtown and also the new parking meters. That sure would be handy to have in the car.

Who wouldn’t want some “free parking” tickets?

Another great gift could be a car detailing to be used after the move. That is probably not something that someone moving would take the time or money to do right away. After concentrating on selling their old home and moving into a new one, a person’s car is often the last thing to get attention. A thorough professional cleaning will be completely enjoyed.

Gift cards can go from impersonal to personal with some thought and care. But if you want to take some more time, you can do a little bit more.

About a year ago, I got home after a long day and there was a little package waiting for me. When I opened it, there was a sticky note that said, “I couldn’t resist! Janet”

It was a book that my close friend had made for me from her trip to Missoula with two other high school friends. I couldn’t stop looking through the 15-page book filled with pictures and notes about our fun together.

Even though I have the whole thing memorized, I still laugh when I peek at some of the pictures.
This summer, my college buddies came to visit. This time, “I just couldn’t resist.” I compiled a little book of memories, including our forays downtown with our friend Brett playing one of the pianos on the street. I told him that I didn’t know he played the piano, and he said he didn’t know either. But he sure was good and we have the pictures to remember.

I enjoy digital cameras, but find the final pictures don’t always get into an album. After sharing them back and forth, they can become forgotten.

What a great present for someone who is moving to commemorate the time they’ve had in their current home. They will appreciate it for years after their move.

These books are easy to make and you can either make it simple, add some fun notes or dress it up if you are inclined.

Another similar present is to make a calendar with pictures and anecdotes for that particular person.

In the case of a seller, you could pick some realistic date and say, “ A great buyer will look at the house today!” In a week or so, you could put on that date: “Start looking for a new home!” On other dates add: “Pack another box today” and “Take down pictures and wrap to store them.” Or how about: “Mow the lawn and then treat yourselves to dinner at the park with music.” Selling and moving is hard and stressful. Fun gifts like these can help lighten the load.
Once you start thinking about it, gift ideas are endless.

Who wouldn’t appreciate a certificate for a month of lawn mowing or snow plowing? Or why not give a present from a house cleaning service. A seller will surely need this before, during and after they sell their home.

While you are treating them, meal preparation for a week would be a delicious surprise. I know when we were moving, it took a few days just to find the spatula again. I might have found it sooner if someone had given us a moving gift of an organizer and packing assistant for a day. Companies that do this work are worth their weight in gold. Gifting a few hours of help will go a long way for your moving-weary friends.

When people are busy and in the process of selling their home, the last thing they will want is to receive presents that will become more stuff for them to pack. Thoughtful gifts that reflect you understand what they are going through will be sincerely appreciated long after they settle into their new home.


Joy Earls is a broker/owner of Joy Earls Real Estate. She writes a monthly column for the Missoulian’s Booming section, and can be reached at 531-9811 or at

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